Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just Stuff

Well, just in explaining my frustrations to you guys on Friday, I was able to decide that I definitely want Quint out on his own. Whatever it takes to accomplish that is what I'll have to work into the story. So something good came of my venting on Friday. And I actually did a bit of writing yesterday, on Memorial Day. Yay me.

In other news, why is it that now that I'm laid off and have no job, we suddenly have all this stuff breaking on us? Cable modem, router, parallel port on our printer, digital photo frame, and now... OUR STINKING REFRIGERATOR!!!!! What gives? We can't afford all this stuff right now. Someone needs to explain that to the man upstairs and he does not seem to be paying attention to my whining.

Okay, back to the grind. I hope you all had a great long holiday weekend and best wishes for the rest of the week.

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