Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Intervention Please

Hi. I'm Quint, one of Amelie's characters in her Urban Fantasy series - you know, the book she's supposed to be focusing on. I'm the main character of this 2nd novel, in fact. I don't know what she was working on yesterday, but it sure as hell wasn't my story. 

Mid last week, she sent me off on a mission pretty much tailor-made to my particular abilities. Easy in, easy out and I'd be home with my Jayna in under 48-hours. Then while I was gone, some bad shit went down with our buddy Chase. Poor kid. He's in bad shape. But do I get back there quick to help out and be there for my crew? No. Friggin' Amelie pulls a cliff-hanger on me on Friday - Steele informs Jayna that I've missed my last three check-ins and they're sending a team in to look for me. So what happens? Of course! Jayna insists on going with the team... into danger! Apparently none of those limp dicks back there are wearing their big boy undies because did they talk her out of going? Keep her safe and under wraps in the Taj Mabunker that we call home base? Hell no. Morons.

Those of you in the know might be aware that Jayna and violence are not exactly like macaroni and cheese. More like toothpaste and orange juice. Yeah. She's not good around violence, but hand it to her for doing much better with it lately. Hell, she'd have to to hang with us for any length of time and she's definitely pulling her own.

I know I'm on hold over the weekend, because NO writing gets done then. So, yesterday I'm all pumped. And does Amelie get back to my book so I can find out what the hell went wrong with my mission and just how big of a shit pile I've stepped in? Ah, no. She'd be all proud, telling you that she got 1300 words written, plus some triathalon-like house straightening. Yippee. 1300 words written on a Science Fiction piece that's got zippo to do with our situation. Way to go, Amelie.

Someone please give this chick a kick in the pants and tell her to get back to telling a story that's important. I don't care about the disposesed heir of some far off fictional planet, although she does seem like a nice person - cares about her people, blah blah blah. But my lady is about to deliberately put herself in danger, and there's jack I can do about it right now. Not knowing what's happening is pissing me off. Tell Amelie to get on the stick. Please!


  1. ahhhh! love it! by the way--oj and toothepaste--RIGHT ON! talk about the worst combo ever...u should use that in ur writing.

    I'm intrigued by Quint (nice name!), so you better get on it and get him outta the hot water so i can get the whole story!!!

    SOOKIE TODAY! boy i wish i could go get her and come home and curl up all day!

  2. I keep telling you - forgetthe eating and sleeping - WRITE GIRL!!!! you are so good!
