Friday, August 7, 2009

Writing Research

I'm amazed that I actually got a decent word count in yesterday and the day before despite lots of time spent in research. How to survive under freezing conditions and the types of animals in various cold spots around the world were the majority of my research. The National Geographic Animals site was most helpful, as was How Stuff Works. I think Quint needs to have a run-in with a wild predator. What do you guys think?

As for word count, here's how I rounded out the week:
Monday: Gladiator - 200, SciFi - 200 (boo)
Tuesday: Gladiator - 775, SciFi - 450 (yay)
Wednesday: Gladiator - 450, SciFi - zippo (meh)
Thursday: Gladiator - 450, SciFi - 800 (yay)

At this rate, I might actually finish Gladiator sometime in the next couple of years. :( Sigh. On the other hand, I just hit the halfway point on the SciFi novel (which is currently titled The Sunlands, btw).

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Big pat on the head for working on your si-fi! You know I'm waiting for every new paragraph.

  2. did you the guy who founded is an NC State alum? :) he came to speak at a distinguished speaker series and it was really interesting.

  3. Nope. I had no idea, Penny. That's pretty cool.
