With today's release of Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh (which is waiting for me to take a break from work later today and start reading it on my nook), I started looking at what else is coming out soon that I'm looking forward to. Whoa, baby! Good stuff.
Feb. 2 (TODAY!!!!) Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh
So first, let's cover Archangel's Kiss. This is the next of Elena and Raphael's story. If you haven't read the first one, Angels' Blood, pick it up. Fantastic. She's also written a couple of novellas in the same world - "Angels' Judgement" in the Must Love Hellhounds anthology that covers Sara and Deacon's story and the e-book novella "Angels' Pawn" that gives us some insight into Ashwini - she's crazy fun.
Feb. 9 - First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost
This is written in the same world as Cat and Bones, but it covers Slade (Bones' vamp buddy) and Denise, Cat's best friend. The book cover is... not too appealing. I mean, I wouldn't let that guy anywhere near me until he had some close contact with soap, shampoo, a comb and some nail clippers. Throw a hair cut in there too, come to think of it. But c'mon! This is Ms. Frost - she's a fantastic writer, so I know the story is worth it. Yet another benefit to having a nook - I don't have to look at the cover every time I pick the story back up. :)
Feb. 23 - Fantasy In Death by J.D. Robb
Need I say more?
Mar. 2 - Shalador's Lady by Anne Bishop and Roadkill by Rob Thurman
These are each the next book in their respective series and I hop Rob is hard at work on the next Trickster book for her adoring audiences while we sate ourselves on this Cal and Niko Leandros novel.
Mar. 23 - Rebels and Lovers by Linnea Sinclair
Ms. Sinclair is the master of SciFi romance, and I can't wait for this one. It's even got a hawt, nerdy guy on the cover - complete with glasses! Rrrrrowr.
Mar. 30 - Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs
Max out the giddiness for this one. Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait. Mercy and Adam, yay! And all the other fun characters! More yay!
Apr. 6 - Changes by Jim Butcher
The next Dresden installment and I won't be able to read it right away because of E3.9's 4th birthday. Maybe I can convince her to have a Harry Dresden birthday party and we can read the novel as part of the festivities. I'm sure a bunch of four year olds won't have nightmares after that...
Apr. 27 - Bewitched and Betrayed by Lisa Shearin
More Raine Benares - can't get enough of that! Funny, awesome stuff.
I'm sure there are some novels that I missed, but these were the highlights. What are you guys looking forward to?